An Optimization Approach for Localization Refinement of Candidate Traffic Signs

We propose a localization refinement approach for candidate traffic signs. Previous traffic sign localization approaches, which place a bounding rectangle around the sign, do not always give a compact bounding box, making the subsequent classification task more difficult. We formulate localization as a segmentation problem, and incorporate prior knowledge concerning color and shape of traffic signs. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we use it as an intermediate step between a standard traffic sign localizer and a classifier. Our experiments use the well-known German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark (GTSDB) as well as our new Chinese Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark. This newly created benchmark is publicly available,1 and goes beyond previous benchmark data sets: it has over 5000 high-resolution images containing more than 14 000 traffic signs taken in realistic driving conditions. Experimental results show that our localization approach significantly improves bounding boxes when compared with a standard localizer, thereby allowing a standard traffic sign classifier to generate more accurate classification results.1

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