OPF including TCSC devices using FACTS program software

The solutions FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems) allows network operators to increase the capacity of the existing stock, while maintaining or improving the operating margins necessary for grid stability. This increases the amount of energy delivered to load centers with minimal impact on the environment, with projects much faster to implement and reduced capital spending compared to other solutions. The objective in this paper is to evaluate and compare the values in the cost of power generation with and without TCSC transit controller (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor). In addition, we present a new idea of presenting software that we developed and appointed: FACTS programmer . Streszczenie. W publikacji oszacowano i porownano koszty wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w sieci z urządzeniem typu FACTS (ang. Flexible AC Transmission System) opartym na pojemnościowym kompensatorze mocy (ang. Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor) i bez niego. Przedstawiono takze opracowane nowe oprogramowanie o nazwie FACTS Programmer. (Wykorzystanie oprogramowania FACTS Program w badaniu kompensatorow typu TCSC)