Communication and Cyberspace: Social Interaction in an Electronic Environment

Surveying the Electronic Landscape - An Introduction to Communication and Cyberspace, Lance Strate et al. Part 1 Cyberspace in Perspective - the Theoretical Context: From Locomotion to Telecommunication, or Paths of Safety, Streets of Gore, Gary Gumpert and Susan J. Drucker CyberWalden - the Inner Face of Interface, John M. Phelan Who Shall Control Cyberspace?, James R. Beniger Don't Fence Me In - Copyright, Property and Technology, Neil Kleinman Back to Plato's Cave - Virtual Reality, Herbert Zettl Dramatism and Virtual Reality and the Redefinition of Self, Jay David Bolter. Part 2 Function - Cybernetworks and Cyberplaces as Alternative to Physical Location and Transportation: From ARPAnet to the Internet - a Cultural Clash and its Implications in Framing the Debate on the Information Superhighway, Mark Giese "Are They Building on Off-Ramp in My Neighbourhood?" and Other Questions Concerning Public Interest In and Access to the Information Superhighway, Ron Jacobson Killing Time - the New Frontier of Cyberspace Capitalism, Joseph Barrett Constructing the Virtual Organisation - Using a Multimedia Simulation for Communication Education, Terri Toles Patkin Playing at Community - Multi-User Dungeons and Social Interaction in Cyberspace, Michael P. Beaubien. Part 3 Form - Virtual Reality and Hypermedia as New Kinds of Space and Navigation: Cyberspace - Creating Paradoxes for the Ecology of Self, Sue Barnes The Cybergym - Virtual reality in the Health Club, Elizabeth Weiss Experience in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Margaret Cassidy Getting Over the Edge, Stuart Moulthrop Pedagogy and Hypertext, Stephanie B. Gibson Cinematic Representations of Cyberspace, Paul J. Lippert. Part 4 Meaning - Cybercommunication and Cyberculture: Charting the Codes of Cyberspace - a Rhetoric of Electronic Mail, Judith Yaross Lee What's Fuelling the Flames in Cyberspace? - a Social Influence Model, Philip A. Thompson Technologies, Relations and Selves, Richard H. Cutler Forgetting the Body - Cybersex and Identity, Mark Lipton Cybertime, Lance Strate Epilogue - Cyberspace, Shmyberspace, Neil Postman.