Contribution of vaporization and boiling to thermal-spike sputtering by ions or laser pulses.

Here we consider what, in our terminology, we designate as normal vaporization, normal boiling, and phase explosion. In the case of vaporization, one is dealing with the emission of particles (atoms or molecules) from the extreme outer surface of either a solid or liquid for any temperature exceeding 0 K. In the case of boiling, one is (at least ideally) dealing with heterogeneously nucleated bubbles which diffuse to the outer surface of a liquid or solid and then escape, the latter being possible for temperatures equal to or exceeding the boiling temperature (T(b)). In the case of phase explosion one is dealing with the consequences of what happens when a liquid approaches the thermodynamic critical temperature (T(tc) or T(c)), and massive homogeneous nucleation takes place. Although these three mechanisms have been reviewed in reasonable detail in recent work, we will here present evidence, apparently not previously considered, that boiling, whether the distance scale is atomically small (5-15 nm, as for laser-pulse impact on a metal in the absence of thermal diffusion) or much larger, has a prohibitive kinetic obstacle because it requires bubble diffusion if the bubbles are formed other than at the outer surface. That is to say, boiling will never be a significant process whether with ion or laser-pulse impact. This leaves vaporization and phase explosion as the only possible thermal-spike processes capable of expelling material from an ion- or laser-pulse bombarded surface in a significant quantity. But even with vaporization it can be shown that a kinetic obstacle, although not as severe as for boiling, will enter. The final result is that only phase explosion will normally be relevant for sufficiently short time scales.