Requested: Approval of Project and Authorization to Appoint an Architect
replacement of the heating and ventilation units; and building elechical system upgrades. The project will also replace the seats in the lower bowl, including the addition of seating meeting the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as relocate and widen aisles and add hand rails to the aisles. An elevator will also be added for accessibility. The scope of this project includes the architectural, mechanical, and electrical work necessary to accomplish these improvements. Although there will be a temporary loss of some adjacent parking spaces during construction, there will be no permanent impact on parking from this project. The estimated cost of the project is $20,000,000. Funding will be provided from Athletic Department resources. The construction cash flow may be provided, all or in part, by increasing the commercial paper issuance under the commercial paper program, secured by a pledge of General Revenues. and authorized bv the Board of Regents. TMP Architecture wiU desim the