Performance Enhancement Of A Low Cost Multimode Fiber Optic Rotation Sensor

Several fiber optic Sagnac interferometers employing multimode fiber of both high and ffedimiNrrumbers and simple LED light sources, have been designed and built by the authors over the past two years. New results showing improved performance fran that reported at the August '87 SPIE are given in this paper. The ratios of maximum unambiguous rate signal to random 3a drift signal are now in the range 50-150 a performance enhancement of between 4 and 10. We have found that a step index ring rather than a grajled Index one is necess for good driftperformance and that best results are obtained when all the other ring elements (PZT coary il and I/O slitter are also fabricated fram step index fiber. The 3a drifts in our 200 meter 10 cm diameter breadboards, in particular, are around 1°/sec. Using high V number fiber (100 pm/0.29 NA) no static mode mixers are required to desensitize this relatively short sense coil fram environmental pertubations. With unambiguous maxi rum rates on the order of ±200°/sec using simple detection of the MT fundamental signal the performance of these breadboard systems is now as good or better than many law cost "Coriolis" type rate sensors on the market.