The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

This presentation details the development of new learning modules on the “Future of Work” in the context of the professional development class for second year master of Landscape Architecture students at the University of Cincinnati. This class is the second of three one credit hour classes required in the program. The current textbook The Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture: A Complete Guide to Starting and Running Your Own Firm by Walter Rogers (2011) does not address the topic, and I believe it is a topic of interest to students. An overview of topics within the broad subject of the “Future of Work” include the following: • Impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the jobs of individuals and the profession of landscape architecture • Lifelong learning and retraining • Changes to the structures of firms • Labor market changes in the near term and long term • Potential new occupations for landscape architects • Potential new areas of professional practice in landscape architecture • Changes to closely related professions (architecture, civil engineering, transportation planning, urban design, and city and regional planning) and their impacts on the profession of landscape architecture. • Some practical hints for the young professional and next steps. This author entered academia after 33 years as a practicing registered landscape architect (RLA) and certified planner (AICP) to take a faculty position in the division of Experiential Learning and Career Education (ELCE). The position requires teaching, advising, and placement services for undergraduate and graduate students of Urban Planning and Community Planning programs, and recently expanded to include a new MLA program.