영하에서의 다짐에너지에 따른 다짐 효과 평가

Due to the population growth and exhaustion of resource, the development on the harsh environment such as cold weather is emerging as an alternative for new resource development. The permafrost area covers about 14 percent of the world’s land area and the global construction market for such area is rapidly expanded. Whereas the developed countries have already recognition of the need for research of coldest place and invested heavily in technology development, the domestic technology for the coldest place development is less developed and related research has rarely been performed. There is not a detailed national specification standard for the strength and deformation properties of the earthworks at sub-zero temperature but simple field directions. Therefore, the D compaction tests were conducted on the sand with fine contents of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% at room temperature (18℃), -3℃ and -8℃ to investigate the effect of the compaction energy on the compacted soils at sub-zero temperatures. Based on the test results, the larger compaction energy, the larger maximum dry unit weight under sub-zero temperature and D type compaction at -3℃ show similar max. dry unit weights as those obtained from the compaction at the room temperature. However, compaction at -8℃ showed significant performance degradation regardless of the compaction energy.