Carbon dioxide: a problem of producing usable data

On Oct. 4, 1977, the 20th anniversary of man's first orbital view of spaceship Earth, a press release issued by the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration went into the mails carrying the headline, ''NOAA's Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Monitors Show Global Increase, Raise Questions.'' NOAA reported that carbon dioxide readings taken at a measuring station at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, showed a 5% rise--from 314 ppM to 330 ppM--between 1958, when measurements began, and 1976. Readings at four other NOAA sites around the world show the same trends. NOAA's news is part of a drama now beginning to unfold as perhaps the fundamental science policy issue for the next decade. For if what many scientists fear is correct--that atmospheric carbon dioxide generated by the burning of fossil fuels is growing and accelerating--then the world could be in for drastic climatic shifts and thus changes not only in the balance of military and economic power but in billions of individual lives.