Endurance and durability in biodiesel powered engines

The use of fatty acids methyl esters either in mixtures with fossil diesel or in pure state in diesel engines is correlated to a series of technical problems which are to be taken into account in order to not spoil the important environmental and social advantages that this kind of biocombustibles reports. Throughout this work, in agreement with this fundamental premise and on the basis of the technical criteria of durability and resistance that so much affect engines, the most critical aspects of biodiesel use as well as their immediate consequences are introduced. Special emphasis is done on certain phenomena that condition the engine utility life, like the lubricating oil dilution and the deposits formation, as well as the storage and oxidative stability and finally the low temperature behaviour related to engine operation in greater or smaller degree incompatible with biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters). To sum up, a study in depth will be realized about some of the most problematic aspects referred to biodiesel use, analysing its entire technical dimension and contributing possible solutions. In general, this work tries to be a guide, which allows to identify the most sensible areas within the engine, as well as the suitable means and solutions for the correct use of biodiesel in compression ignition engines (diesel engines).