공간을 구성하는 문양의 기하학적 패턴별 감성 평가

This study provides a psychological basis for the understanding and theoretical evidence of the patterns that compose architectural spaces. The emotional reactions of men were measured and assessed based on the geometric elements of the patterns that enable quantitative expressions to analyze the influences of the architectural patterns and estimate the degree of their influences and to apply the results on the architectural designs. The first stage collected related evaluation images for the evaluation of the patterns' emotional evaluations and established total of 14 sets of evaluation images based on the results. The second stage understood the elements of patterns by conducting a theoretical study on the architectural patterns based on the existing records and references. The elements of patterns considered in this study are sizesㆍintervalsㆍshapesㆍarrangements' colors and established total of 180 evaluation subjects using a CG based on the above elements of patterns. The third stage selected 30 testees based on the above evaluation subjects and images to implement an evaluation, and the fourth stage implemented a statistical analysis based on the experimental data to analyze the emotional evaluation of men from the architectural patterns and estimate the degree of their evaluation.