Neural Nets in Electric Fish

Part 1 Introduction: why study electric fish? experimental strategies. Part 2 The behaviour and ecology of electric fish: types of electric fish and their electric organ discharges evolutionary and ecological considerations noise and signal interference. Part 3 The jamming avoidance response of Eigenmannia: the experimental opening of a loop behavioral rules for the JAR. Part 4 Neuronal implementation of the jamming avoidance response: the coding of amplitude and phase modulations by tuberous electroreceptors the electrosensory lateral line lobe details in the circuitry of the ELL and its modulation by recurrent descending input from the nucleus praeeminentialis the torus semicircularis the gating of amplitude information by phase information - a mechanisms for discriminating the sign of Df projections of the torus semicircularis - the search for the pathway controlling the JAR the diencephalic nucleus electrosensorius, a sensory-motor interface the diencephalic prepacemaker nucleus the medullary pacemaker nucleus - control of the electric organ a summary flow diagram of neuronal structures and functions controlling the JAR. Part 5 General principles in the neuronal organization of the jamming avoidance response: the separation of task-specific sensory channels the central convergence of channels and the conversion of neuronal codes the representation of stimulus variables in ordered maps the emergence of "recognition" neurons and motor programs the distributed processing of sensory information and the shared use of neuronal circuits the control of motivational states through social signals recurrent descending loops - searchlights and central representations of sensory expectation? developmental and evolutionary considerations.