Social Animation in Complex Environments
This work presents a market-based social model to produce good quality behavioral animations for groups of intelligent virtual agents. The social model coordinates the activities of groups of virtual characters and also includes social actions in the agent decision-making. We follow the Multi-Agent Resource Allocation approach presented in [2], where agents express their preferences using utility functions. The dynamics of social interactions is inspired by the theory of Piaget [3] over which we have implemented reciprocal task exchanges.
[1] Nicholas R. Jennings,et al. Socially intelligent reasoning for autonomous agents , 2001, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A.
[2] Álvaro F. Moreira,et al. MAS-SOC: a Social Simulation Platform Based on Agent-Oriented Programming , 2005, J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul..
[3] Sociological Studies , 1934, Nature.