The Graded Origami Structures

There are many excellent graded structures existing in nature to optimize the mechanical properties in various load situations by adjusting the distribution of materials. In this research, rigid origami and graded structure concept are combined together to form the graded origami structures. Seven methods are proposed, including changing the length of crease lines, changing the sector angle, changing the number of units, and the combinations of them. Two rigid origami patterns, Miura-ori and Arc-Miura, are chosen to generate the graded origami structures, and the geometric parameters of each pattern are studied. For engineering application, quasi-static three-point bending response of sandwich beams with graded Miura-ori core based on changing the number of units and changing both the length of crease lines and the sector angle is explored. The investigation reveals that sandwich beams with graded Miura-ori core have preferable energy absorption capability in this load situation compared with the normal Miura-ori core.Copyright © 2015 by ASME