Slow Potential Changes in the Human Brain

Cerebral Origins of Slow Potential Shifts: Possible Glial Contributions in the Electrogenesis of SPs H. Bauer, et al. Slow Potential Shifts as Indicants of Glial Activation and Possible Neuromodulation P.R. Laming. DC Recording: Methodological Issues in the Measurement of DC Biopotentials S. Butler. ACtoDC Inverse Filtering of EventRelated Potentials D.S. Ruchkin. Motor and Cognitive Aspects of Slow Potentials: An Examination of the Relationships between CNV Amplitude and the Preceeding Steady Potential Level S.H. Curry. Stimulus Preceding Negativity C.H.M. Brunia. Implications and Applications of SPs: Spatial and Temporal Organization of Movement Related Brain Macropotentials in Children G.A. Chiarenza. Theories and Significance of SPs: Slow Cortical Potentials Reflect the Regulation of Cortical Excitability T. Elbert. 18 additional articles. Index.

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