Control and Monitoring of Power Facilities as Per LFC Standard

The article brings closer the principle of operation of the new power distribution system, LFC, being the successor of the ARCM SOWE system. The majority of the study is concentrated on the architecture of the local LFC system node authored by IASE sp. z o.o. there have been brought closer, here, the problems of automatic unit control in accordance with the plans and commands from the central LFC controller, of the system operation monitoring via the integrated SMPP module as well as the problems connected with the new technologies employed by LFC (the protocol ICCP-TASE.2 and the standard IEC60870-6, among other things). There have been also described the most important components, SRM LFC, responsible, among others, for the exchange of data with the unit automation, archiving and making available the historical data, setting and viewing of the current automatic control values transmitted by OSP. DOI: 10.12736/issn.2300-3022.2015109 1. General information, design requirements and short description of the LFC system LFC is a currently implemented, by PSE Operator SA, standard of the automatic frequency and power control system, the objective of which is the real-time operating and monitoring of the power generating units operated in the Polish electric power network, defined by the name of the centrally disposed generating units (Jednostki Wytworcze Centralnie Dysponowane (JWCD)). The LFC system is the successor of the SOWE system; it operates in a distributed environment, integrating into the available networks, JWCD, and realising the controls of the central controller of LFC (RC LFC). Each JWCD is autonomous in the LFC network and participates in the automatic power control process when it is officially admitted, by OSP, for operation in the production environment of LFC. The global system “intelligence” is wired in the central controller component, the basic task of which is to maintain the balance between the power produced and the current demand for it within KSE. RC LFC communicates with a power plant via the local node of the LFC system (WL LFC). The local node integrates various technological solutions applied on the facility site so that it is transparent for RC LFC. It conducts the direct or indirect dialogue with the unit automation, realising the controls from RC LFC and transferring back to WC SMPP the current values and the operating parameter states of JWCD. The official specification of WL LFC defines very precisely the way of conduction of the communication in the relation OSP WL LFC (the ICCP-TASE.2 protocol), but it does not impose any specific design solutions with respect to the communication of WL LFC with the automation systems of JWCD. The diversity of the technological solutions on the facility side translate directly into the complexity of the LFC local node implementation. The integration process of SRM LFC with the existing solutions is not trivial and requires the cooperation of all enterprises involved, in order to build a reliable infrastructure interconnecting each JWCD with RC LFC. The design requirements set for the local nodes have been made more precise by PSE Operator SA in two documents entitled ”Wymogi wobec JWCD na potrzeby wdrazania systemu LFC” (The requirements for JWCD for the purposes of implementation of the LFC system) and ”Procedura odbioru wezlow lokalnych systemu LFC w elektrowniach” (The procedure of acceptance of the local nodes of the LFC system). The following may be rated among the most important design goals of OSP: • high operational reliability of action of the whole system • provision of the redundancy of the hot spare type • fast switching between the master/slave modes of the SRM server instances D, Wojtanowicz et al. | Acta Energetica 1/22 (2015) | 121–127