Simultaneous Pedestrian and Robot Localization Technique in an Indoor Ubiquitous Robotic Space (URS)
This paper proposes a simultaneous localization technique of mobile robot and pedestrian in ubiquitous sensor network. For the robot localization, a dead-reckoning system is developed wherein odometer, magnetic compass, and heading angle rate sensor are used. The novelty of dead-reckoning system developed in this paper is that it does not use acceleration in motion dynamic equation. Since the dead-reckoning system does not use linear acceleration, the system is not affected by high frequency noise, which is usually contained in the accelerometer measurement. For the pedestrian tracking, ubiquitous sensor network such as IEEE 802.15.4 is used. In this paper, it is also assumed that the relative direction of the pedestrian from the mobile robot is measured on the robot platform. Extended Kalman filter is used to integrate the sensor measurements. Simulation results will be presented to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed simultaneous localization technique.Copyright © 2007 by ASME