CAA'S Analysis of the Army Watercraft Restructuring Plan (CA4WRP)
Abstract : In 2001, the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) completed the Army Watercraft Restructuring Plan (AWRP), recommending changes to the watercraft fleet's force structure. The Army G4, Force Projection and Distribution Directorate, requested that the Center for Army Analysis (CAA) analyze the negative aspects of the proposed changes in terms of personnel and training. CAA's Analysis of the AWRP (CA4WRP) analyzed Unit Status Report USR) data and utilized a discrete event simulation to model past and future activities in the fleet at various force structure levels. CA4WRP modeled demand deterministically (for planned operations) and stochastically (for unplanned operations, from historical data). The simulation attempts to meet demand with the given force structure. Output from the simulation includes tempo rates for units and training days lost to demand exceeding supply.