High power target developments at ISAC

Abstract TRIUMF, Canada’s national research facility for particle and nuclear physics is currently operating the ISAC facility. A high-energy proton beam from the H - TRIUMF cyclotron is used to generate short-lived radioactive species in a thick target. An ion source at the target creates a radioactive beam, which is then injected into the ISAC beam lines and accelerator system. The ISAC facility is designed to accept proton beam intensity up to 100 μA at 500 MeV. At present our target design can only sustains 40 μA at maximum. Beyond this point the target has to be cooled. A new target equipped with fins has been developed that may sustain proton beam up to 100 μA. The fined target has been tested off-line and a thermal simulation using ANSYS ® has been conducted and the results are reported here.