Famílias de crianças desnutridas: rotinas diárias - DOI: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v8i4.9673

This is a qualitative study of multiple cases, with four families and their children participating in a program of food supplementation in Florianopolis/SC - State. Its aim was to understand how daily routine of families with malnourished children or at nutritional risk was being developed. There were direct observations in the field and recorded interviews with the mother or other child’s caregiver at home, at the Health Unit and at the Local Community Center from October 2006 to August 2007. We used the method of content analysis and comparative analysis in light of the theoretical framework. The results indicate that families establish routines that constantly change to meet the basic needs of the members before expected and unexpected events in the family environment, and this may promote the nucleus cohesion and help in the care of malnourished children or at nutritional risk. The connection to the social support network varies and the program resources about food supplementation help in the family stability.