Instruction of introductory programming course using multiple contexts

This paper describes the experience of redesigning a traditional CS1 programming course, utilizing traditional coding practices as well as microcontroller units (MCU) based coding, to provide multiple programming environments. The objective of this redesign is to improve the programming skills for engineering students by 1) providing them with program development experience in multiple contexts and 2) relating the initial programming experience to the typical notion of engineering through significant hardware experience. Typical CS1 courses are designed with an instructor led lecture focusing on the introduction of specific computer skills and languages while programming assignments and laboratories help strengthen these skills in the students. For this remodeling, in addition to the typical programming exercises, supplementary MCU based lab exercises were used to provide an additional, different programming target for increased learning and highlighting the complementary relationship between hardware and software. The outcomes of this effort demonstrate that the addition of a MCU to an introductory programming course can work as an effective motivator, providing the students with a secondary context to reinforce programming skills developed during the course, and that providing multiple contexts (traditional desktop programming and hardware-based programming) together can aid in learning and the transfer of knowledge.

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