A Relational Data Language with Simplified Binary Relation Handling Capability

In order to develop a general purpose research information system, we have introduced a new relational data language RLB (Relational data Language with simplified Binary relation handling capability), which can handle bibliographic data as well as data handled by ordinary data base systems. RLB is based on relational calculus introduced by Codd, but allows queries to be written in relatively high level expressions by defining and using proper binary relations over a set of n-ary relations. The characteristics of this language are as follows: (1) Binary relations between attributes or compound attributes can be defined and used to formulate queries; (2) Familiar operations for binary relations such as a concatenation, a closure operation, Boolean operations and comparison operators are provided to simplify queries; (3) Binary relations are classified into several types by their corresponding graphs. This classification can be used for checking storage operations such as updating, insertion and deletion, as well as for selecting efficient physical storage structures; (4) Dependencies between attributes are also regarded as binary relations and thus, they are classified for the same objectives described in (3). In this classification, functional dependencies, multivalued dependencies and set - set dependencies are contained; (5) It can provide several facilities similar to mapping oriented languages (for example, SEQUEL) or network model based languages (for example, LSL). Furthermore, an output system for binary relations between domain compatible attributes is also described, which produces a tree expansion of the given graph.