Numerical issues in modeling ice sheet instabilities such as binge-purge type cyclic ice stream surging

. As in any environmental system, modeling instabilities within the glacial system is a numerical challenge of poten-tially high real-world relevance. Differentiating between the impacts of physical system processes and numerical noise is not straightforward. Here we use an idealized North American geometry and climate representation (similar to the HEINO experiments, Calov et al., 2010) to examine the numerical sensitivity of ice stream surge cycling in glaciological models. Through sensitivity tests, we identify some numerical requirements for a robust model configuration for such contexts. To partly address 5 model-specific dependencies, we use both the Glacial Systems Model (GSM) and Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM). We show that modeled surge characteristics are resolution-dependent though converging (decreasing differences between resolutions) at higher horizontal grid resolutions. Discrepancies between high and coarse horizontal grid resolutions can be reduced by incorporating a resolution-dependent basal temperature ramp for basal sliding thermal activation. Inclusion of a diffusive bed thermal model reduces the surge cycling ice volume change by ∼ 33 % as the additional heat storage dampens 10 the change in basal temperature during surge events. The inclusion of basal hydrology, as well as a non-flat topography, leads to increased ice volume change during surge events ( ∼ 20 and 17 % , respectively). Therefore, these latter three components are essential if one is endeavoring to maximize physical fidelity in ice stream surge cycle modeling. An abrupt transition between hard bedrock and soft sediment, as in the HEINO experiments, leads to ice stream propagation along this boundary but is not the cause of the main surge events.

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