Alternative electric energy sources for rail transit. Final report. Phase 1. Report for 17 August 1990-16 February 1993
After labor costs, electrical energy costs constitute the second largest item in the annual operating budget of rail transit authorities. These costs continue to increase putting heavier burdens on the authorities. Native (local) electric power utility companies are currently the standard sources of electrical energy for rail transit systems. Present deregulation trends in the electric power industry opens the market for competition and lower cost electrical service for transit authorities. In the long term, rail transit operating cost will be reduced. In the context of the report, an alternative energy source means purchasing energy at a time different from when it will be used and/or from a source which is not the local utility. The former case is energy storage and the latter case is termed bypass. The report discusses these sources. Certain conditions are required for a rail transit authority to seriously consider alternative energy sources. The report discusses these conditions and investigates the technical and regulatory issues involved in investigating such sources.