Modelling the distribution of striped dolphins in the first two periods of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Gulf of Corinth, Greece)

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) aims to protect the marine environment and marine biodiversity across Europe more effectively. In the present study, the predicted distribution of striped dolphins of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) is investigated for the first two periods of the MSFD (I: 2007-2012; II: 2013-2018). For the first time, anthropogenic variables are included in the striped dolphin distribution analysis, resulting from accounting for most of the variability. The results show that the predicted distribution is similar for both investigated periods. However, a small reduction of suitable areas in the Northern portion of the Gulf is observable for the second one, probably due to the expansion of fish farm activity in this zone. The MSFD and its consequent management actions didn’t appear to improve the protection of striped dolphins in the investigated area. Their review will be essential to assess which further management actions will be necessary to program to protect and conserve striped dolphins in the Natura 2000 area “Gulf of Corinth”. The present study shows that human activities are important for explaining stripe dolphins distribution and that their further development needs to be carefully taken into account while managing spatial planning.