Radical reformulation of marketing thought is not new and arguably is part of the dynamic tension just under the surface calm of any discipline. However, not since the ‘breaking free’ of services marketing from goods marketing (Shostack, 1977) has a new reconfiguration of service logic attracted so much interest so quickly. The catalyst for this interest has been the publication of an award-winning article by Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch in the Journal of Marketing (2004a) entitled ‘Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing’. This was followed soon after by an article by the same authors in the Journal of Service Research (2004b), directly challenging the validity of the characteristic differentiators between services and goods (intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability and perishability). Of particular note is that these differentiators have been a matter of common agreement within the services marketing discipline since the early 1980s (Fisk et al., 1993). Concurrent with these publications, a special interest panel session on the service-dominant logic of marketing (S-D logic) was held at the American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference in 2004. In Europe, a panel
G. L. Shostack.
Breaking Free from Product Marketing
Mary Jo Bitner,et al.
Tracking the evolution of the services marketing literature
Stephen L. Vargo,et al.
Services in Society and Academic Thought: An Historical Analysis
David F Ballantyne,et al.
A relationship‐mediated theory of internal marketing
Stephen L. Vargo,et al.
The Service-dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions
Stephen L. Vargo,et al.
Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing
Stephen L. Vargo,et al.
The Four Service Marketing Myths