Study of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks

Cognitive radio is key enabling technology that enables next generation communication networks, also known as dynamic spectrum access network, to utilize the spectrum more efficiently in an opportunistic fashion without interfering with the licensed user. Its roots came from the discovery by regulatory bodies in various countries, which found that most of the radio frequency spectrum was inefficiently utilized. This was the reason for allowing unlicensed users to utilize licensed band; whenever it would not cause any interference [1]. Over the past decades various spectrum sensing techniques have been proposed in cognitive radio networks. In this paper, a brief survey of all the major contributions in the field of cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio network have been discussed. This paper will also provide an overview of the elements used in cooperative sensing. Keywords: Cognitive radio, spectrum sensing, cooperative sensing Cite this Article Mamta Bhatt, Vartika Srivastava, Shipra Nigam. Study of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks. Current Trends in Signal Processing . 2017; 7(1):