Intradermal injection vs. oral treatment of tinnitus.

Local pharmacological intradermal infiltration is a therapy being used more and more thanks to the positive results achieved, particularly for all those therapies acting on the microcirculation. In trying to better the results obtained with medical therapy for tinnitus sufferers, to assess the effect of a vasoactive drug, the method of administration by the intradermal route, which allows a strengthening of the pharmacological effect, has been added. The present study comprised 120 tinnitus sufferers who underwent intradermal auricle infiltration with a vasoactive drug. The control group includes 115 tinnitus sufferers who underwent systemic vasoactive therapy with the same drug. Forty-five days after beginning intradermal treatment the symptom improved and continued to do so following further infiltrations which patients underwent every 15 days. In the control group we noticed a moderate improvement 45 days after the beginning of oral therapy; thereafter the results reached a plateau by the 60th day. Intradermal vasoactive therapy for idiopathic tinnitus seems to be a new success, which will be an interesting progression in the therapy of this kind of symptom.