Promoting Consumption at School. Health Threats Associated with School House Commercialism--The Fifteenth Annual Report on Schoolhouse Commercializing Trends: 2011-2012.
Many states and communities are in chronic fiscal
crisis. So it is no surprise that beleaguered
educators are ever more open to offers of corporate “partnerships” that might bring in
additional money for their schools.
Unfortunately, many school - business partnerships
are little more than marketing arrangements
that have few benefits for schools while carrying
with them the potential to harm children in a
variety of ways. The 2011 - 2012 Annual Report on
Schoolhouse Commercializing Trends is the third
in a series of annual reports to examine how commercializing activities in schools threaten children’s well - being. Prior reports
examined psychological threats (2010) and educational threats (2011).
The focus of this report is the health threats
posed by the marketing of food and beverage products in school.