Research Study on Importance of Usability Testing / User Experience ( UX ) Testing

This paper gives the information regarding Usability testing. How user interacts with the system testing? Usability means the software’s capability to be learned and understood easily and how attractive it looks to the consumer. Usability Testing is one of the black box testing technique. Usability testing tests features of the software like: How easy it is to use the software? How easy it is to learn the software? How convenient is the software to end user? Usability is the measure of a product's potential to fulfil the requirement user. In information technology, the term usability used in terms to software applications and Web sites, but it can be used in terms of any product that is employed to accomplish a task (Some of the examples are, a car dashboard, a toaster, or an alarm clock). Some outcomes used in determining product usability are user interface, visual consistency, and a clear, defined process for evolution. This paper we discussed Usability, Usability testing process, Usability Testing Components, evaluation methods, User experience importance, advantages and disadvantages of Usability testing. Keywords— Usability Testing, Usability Testing Components, evaluation methods, UX Importance