A New Approach to Interference Excision in Radio Astronomy: Real-Time Adaptive Cancellation

Every year, an increasing amount of radio-frequency (RF) spectrum in the VHF, UHF, and microwave bands is being utilized to support new commercial and military ventures, and all have the potential to interfere with radio astronomy observations. Such services already cause problems for radio astronomy even in very remote observing sites, and the potential for this form of light pollution to grow is alarming. Preventive measures to eliminate interference through FCC legislation and ITU agreements can be effective; however, many times this approach is inadequate and interference excision at the receiver is necessary. Conventional techniques such as RF filters, RF shielding, and postprocessing of data have been only somewhat successful, but none has been sufficient. Adaptive interference cancellation is a real-time approach to interference excision that has not been used before in radio astronomy. We describe here, for the first time, adaptive interference cancellation in the context of radio astronomy instrumentation, and we present initial results for our prototype receiver. In the 1960s, analog adaptive interference cancelers were developed that obtain a high degree of cancellation in problems of radio communications and radar. However, analog systems lack the dynamic range, noised performance, and versatility required by radio astronomy. The concept of digital adaptive interference cancellation was introduced in the mid-1960s as a way to reduce unwanted noise in low-frequency (audio) systems. Examples of such systems include the canceling of maternal ECG in fetal electrocardiography and the reduction of engine noise in the passenger compartments of automobiles. These audio-frequency applications require bandwidths of only a few tens of kilohertz. Only recently has high-speed digital filter technology made high dynamic range adaptive canceling possible in a bandwidth as large as a few megahertz, finally opening the door to application in radio astronomy. We have built a prototype adaptive canceler that consists of two receivers: the primary channel (input from the main beam of the telescope) and a separate reference channel. The primary channel receives the desired astronomical signal corrupted by RFI (radio-frequency interference) coming in the sidelobes of the main beam. A separate reference antenna is designed to receive only the RFI. The reference channel input is processed using a digital adaptive filter and then subtracted from the primary channel input, producing the system output. The weighting coefficients of the digital filter are adjusted by way of an algorithm that minimizes, in a least-squares sense, the power output of the system. Through an adaptive-iterative process, the canceler locks onto the RFI, and the filter adjusts itself to minimize the effect of the RFI at the system output. We have designed the adaptive canceler with an intermediate frequency (IF) of 40 MHz. This prototype system will ultimately be functional with a variety of radio astronomy receivers in the microwave band. We have also built a prototype receiver centered at 100 MHz (in the FM broadcast band) to test the adaptive canceler with actual interferers, which are well characterized. The initial laboratory tests of the adaptive canceler are encouraging, with attenuation of strong frequency-modulated (FM) interference to 72 dB (a factor of more than 10 million), which is at the performance limit of our measurements. We also consider requirements of the system and the RFI environment for effective adaptive canceling.