PROMETHEE: A comprehensive literature review on methodologies and applications

In recent decades, several Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) methods have been proposed to help in selecting the best compromise alternatives. In the meantime, the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) family of outranking methods and their applications has attracted much attention from academics and practitioners. In this paper, a classification scheme and a comprehensive literature review are presented in order to uncover, classify, and interpret the current research on PROMETHEE methodologies and applications. Based on the scheme, 217 scholarly papers from 100 journals are categorized into application areas and non-application papers. The application areas include the papers on the topics of Environment Management, Hydrology and Water Management, Business and Financial Management, Chemistry, Logistics and Transportation, Manufacturing and Assembly, Energy Management, Social, and Other Topics. The last area covers the papers published in several fields: Medicine, Agriculture, Education, Design, Government and Sports. The scholarly papers are also classified by (1) year of publication, (2) journal of publication, (3) authors' nationality, (4) PROMETHEE as applied with other MCDA methods, and (5) PROMETHEE as applied with GAIA (Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid) plane. It is hoped that the paper can meet the needs of researchers and practitioners for easy references of PROMETHEE methodologies and applications, and hence promote the future of PROMETHEE research.

[1]  Ashantha Goonetilleke,et al.  Use of chemometrics methods and multicriteria decision-making for site selection for sustainable on-site sewage effluent disposal , 2004 .

[2]  Ashantha Goonetilleke,et al.  Framework for soil suitability evaluation for sewage effluent renovation , 2004 .

[3]  I Mergias,et al.  Multi-criteria decision aid approach for the selection of the best compromise management scheme for ELVs: the case of Cyprus. , 2007, Journal of hazardous materials.

[4]  H. R. Keller,et al.  Application of chemometrics for the selection of microwave digestion procedures , 1992 .

[5]  Özlem Uzun Araz A Simulation Based Multi-criteria Scheduling Approach of Dual-Resource Constrained Manufacturing Systems with Neural Networks , 2005, Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

[6]  Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng,et al.  Extended VIKOR method in comparison with outranking methods , 2007, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[7]  Serge Kokot,et al.  Application of high performance liquid chromatography for the profiling of complex chemical mixtures with the aid of chemometrics. , 2007, Talanta.

[8]  Jean-Marc Martel,et al.  Incorporating the Decision-maker's Preferences in the Goal-programming Model , 1990 .

[9]  A. Delchambre,et al.  Hybrid assembly line design and user's preferences , 2002 .

[10]  E. R. Jayaratne,et al.  Influence of fuel composition on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from a fleet of in-service passenger cars , 2007 .

[11]  Bertrand Mareschal,et al.  The PROMETHEE VI procedure: how to differentiate hard from soft multicriteria problems , 1995 .

[12]  Bertrand Mareschal,et al.  An interval version of PROMETHEE for the comparison of building products' design with ill-defined data on environmental quality , 1998, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[13]  G. Anand,et al.  Selection of lean manufacturing systems using the PROMETHEE , 2008 .

[14]  Paraskevas N. Georgiou,et al.  A multicriteria approach to identify investment opportunities for the exploitation of the clean development mechanism , 2007 .

[15]  Maciej A. Nowak,et al.  Investment projects evaluation by simulation and multiple criteria decision aiding procedure , 2005 .

[16]  T. Marchant Valued relations aggregation with the borda method , 1996 .

[17]  Serge Kokot,et al.  A spectroscopic study of mechanochemically activated kaolinite with the aid of chemometrics. , 2005, Journal of colloid and interface science.

[18]  J. Brans The space of freedom of the decision maker modelling the human brain , 1996 .

[19]  G. Van Huylenbroeck,et al.  The conflict analysis method: bridging the gap between ELECTRE, PROMETHEE and ORESTE , 1995 .

[20]  T. Chou,et al.  Application of the PROMETHEE technique to determine depression outlet location and flow direction in DEM , 2004 .

[21]  Jean-Philippe Waaub,et al.  Environmental site evaluation of waste management facilities embedded into EUGÈNE model: A multicriteria approach , 2002, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[22]  K. Srinivasa Raju,et al.  Ranking Irrigation Management Alternatives by Multicriterion Analysis , 1996 .

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[24]  Brahim Rekiek,et al.  Assembly planning with an ordering genetic algorithm , 2001 .

[25]  I. Ozkarahan,et al.  Supplier evaluation and management system for strategic sourcing based on a new multicriteria sorting procedure , 2007 .

[26]  D. Bouyssou Outranking Relations: Do They Have Special Properties? , 1996 .

[27]  Otto Rentz,et al.  Integrated technique assessment with imprecise information as a support for the identification of best available techniques (BAT) , 2001, OR Spectr..

[28]  Valérie Dhaevers,et al.  A multicriteria approach to rank scheduling strategies , 2008 .

[29]  Josip Petraš,et al.  Ranking the Sites for Low‐ and Intermediate‐Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities in Croatia , 1997 .

[30]  B. Mareschal,et al.  BANKADVISER: An industrial evaluation system , 1991 .

[31]  I. Linkov,et al.  Multicriteria Decision Analysis: A Comprehensive Decision Approach for Management of Contaminated Sediments , 2006, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[32]  Grit Walther,et al.  Evaluation of sites for the location of WEEE recycling plants in Spain. , 2008, Waste management.

[33]  B. Mareschal,et al.  Nuclear waste management: An application of the multicriteria PROMETHEE methods , 1990 .

[34]  A. T. de Almeida,et al.  A multi‐criteria decision‐aiding model using PROMETHEE III for preventive maintenance planning under uncertain conditions , 2007 .

[35]  Hugues Bersini,et al.  Parametrical mechanical design with constraints and preferences: application to a purge valve , 2003 .

[36]  George Mavrotas,et al.  A Combined MOIP–MCDA Approach to Building and Screening Atmospheric Pollution Control Strategies in Urban Regions , 2006, Environmental management.

[37]  Mladen Stanojević,et al.  INVEX: Investment Advisory Expert System , 1996 .

[38]  Matthias Ehrgott,et al.  Multiple criteria decision making for engineering , 2008 .

[39]  J. Martel,et al.  A multi‐criterion approach for selecting attractive portfolio , 2002 .

[40]  P. Lewi,et al.  Multicriteria decision making using Pareto optimality and PROMETHEE preference ranking , 1992 .

[41]  Jon Erickson,et al.  Collaborative environmental planning in river management: an application of multicriteria decision analysis in the White River Watershed in Vermont. , 2007, Journal of environmental management.

[42]  Komaragiri Srinivasa Raju,et al.  Multicriterion decision making in performance evaluation of an irrigation system , 1999, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

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[46]  Caroline Maria de Miranda Mota,et al.  A model for improving energy efficiency in industrial motor system using multicriteria analysis , 2011 .

[47]  Goran Vego,et al.  Application of multi-criteria decision-making on strategic municipal solid waste management in Dalmatia, Croatia. , 2008, Waste management.

[48]  Sanja Vranes,et al.  Decision support tool for used oil regeneration technologies assessment and selection. , 2006, Journal of hazardous materials.

[49]  D. Diakoulaki,et al.  Cardinal ranking of alternative actions: extension of the promethee method , 1991 .

[50]  Markus Schwaninger,et al.  Combining multicriteria decision aid and system dynamics for the control of socio-economic processes. An iterative real-time procedure , 1998, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

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[54]  B. Elevli,et al.  Multicriteria choice of ore transport system for an underground mine: application of PROMETHEE methods , 2004 .

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[62]  Philippe Thonart,et al.  A multiple criteria analysis for household solid waste management in the urban community of Dakar. , 2007, Waste management.

[63]  Hamid R. Parsaei,et al.  Multi-criteria analysis in the evaluation of advanced manufacturing technology using PROMETHEE , 1992 .

[64]  Reinhard Madlener,et al.  New ways for the integrated appraisal of national energy scenarios: The case of renewable energy use in Austria , 2007 .

[65]  Jean-Marc Martel,et al.  A Multicriteria Approach For Selecting A Portfolio Manager , 1998 .

[66]  Bertrand Mareschal,et al.  The GDSS PROMETHEE procedure: a PROMETHEE-GAIA based procedure for group decision support , 1998 .

[67]  E. R. Jayaratne,et al.  The effects of fuel characteristics and engine operating conditions on the elemental composition of emissions from heavy duty diesel buses , 2007 .

[68]  Sanja Petrovic,et al.  A fuzzy approach to preference structure in multicriteria ranking , 1997 .

[69]  Hugo Pastijn,et al.  Selecting land mine detection strategies by means of outranking MCDM techniques , 2002, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

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[74]  Lucien Duckstein,et al.  Analysing Water Resources Alternatives and Handling Criteria by Multi Criterion Decision Techniques , 1996 .

[75]  Tzeng Gwo-Hshiung,et al.  Application of multicriteria decision making to the evaluation of new energy system development in Taiwan , 1992 .

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[80]  Oswald Marinoni,et al.  A stochastic spatial decision support system based on PROMETHEE , 2005, Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci..

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[90]  Jean Pierre Brans,et al.  PROMETHEE V: MCDM problems with segmentation constraints , 1992 .

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[98]  Thomas P. Seager,et al.  Combining Expert Judgement and Stakeholder Values with Promethee: A case Study in Contaminated Sediments , 2004 .

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