Analysis of Tactical Behaviours in Small-Sided Soccer Games: Comparative Study Between Goalposts of Society Soccer and Futsal

The purpose of this study was to compare the tactical behaviours performed by youth soccer players in a small- sided, according to different goalposts of Society Soccer (6m x 2m) and Futsal (3m x 2m). The players performed 146 tac- tical actions in the field with goalposts of Soccer Society and 536 in the field with goalposts of Futsal. Descriptive analy- sis and chi-square test (p� 0.05) were carried out to characterize the sample and check the association. The Kappa of Cohen coefficient was used to check inter- and intra-observers reliability. It was not found statistical differences for tacti- cal principles performed by players in the field with goalposts of Futsal and with goalposts of Society Soccer. It is possi- ble to conclude that there was an independent relationship between tactical actions performed by players in the field with goalposts of Futsal and with goalposts of Society Soccer (p<0.05). Thus, the "GK3-3GK" test can be applied to evaluate tactical behaviours performed by soccer players in both situations.