We are very pleased to present in this volume the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 2012). e-Energy is an international meeting that brings together researchers, developers and practitioners working at the intersection of the areas of energy, computation and communication, to discuss recent and innovative results, as well as identify future directions and challenges. That is why the conference has the motto Where Energy, Computing and Communication Meet.
This third e-Energy conference, e-Energy 2012, is held from May 9th to 11th, 2012, hosted by Institute IMDEA Networks and the University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. The first e-Energy Conference was held in April 2010, in Passau (Germany), and the second took place in May/June 2011 at Columbia University, in New York City (USA).
In response to the call for papers, almost one hundred submissions were received, with authors from 30 different countries. After a careful review process that involved a Technical Program Committee of 44 members, 29 papers were selected (22 full papers and 7 discussion papers, with a 34% acceptance rate). We would like to thank all authors for allowing us to consider their work, and all reviewers for their fundamental contribution in selecting the best submissions.
The papers and associated presentations are grouped in 8 sessions. These proceedings also include the abstract of the keynote speech, which is given by Professor Jon Crowcroft, from University of Cambridge.
The conference also includes two invited presentations by officers of the European Commission on funding opportunities in the research area at the intersection of ICT and energy, and an Industry Session, co-organized with the TREND Network of Excellence of the European 7-th Framework Programme, where industrial lead researchers discuss the challenges of this research field.
This edition has also two colocated events: the 1st International Work- shop on Energy-Efficient Data Centres, and the plenary meeting of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems (www.cost804.org). In addition, participants are offered a tutorial on Energy Efficiency versus Quality of Experience in wireless networks: From measurements to trade-off analysis.