Cross-Cultural Rehabilitation: An International Perspective

Introduction. Section 1. The Theoretical Basis for Developing Cultural Competence. The Concept of Culture. 'Appearance' of Disability, Discrimination And The Transformation of Rehabilitation Service Practices. Health Beliefs And Behaviour Towards Individuals With Disability Cross-Culturally. Some Influences of Religions on Attitudes Towards Disabilities and People with Disabilities. Poverty and Health: An International Overview. Understanding Racial Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism and Their Influence on Health Care Delivery. Cross-Cultural Communication. Section 2. Professional Issues. The Development of Rehabilitation Services and Community-based Rehabilitation: A Historical Perspective. International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH): A Universal Framework. Appropriate Assistive Technology. Epidemiological Considerations in the Assessment of Disability. The Collaborative Learning Approach in Community-Based Rehabilitation. Cross-Cultural Supervision of Students. Section 3. The Practice of Rehabilitation in Cross-Cultural and International Environments: Case Examples. Community-Based Rehabilitation with Indigenous Peoples: A Case Description from Guyana. Development of Community Rehabilitation in Nicaragua: Training People with Disabilities to be Trainers. Problems with Community Mobilization and Participation in Community-Based Rehabilitation: A Case from Botswana. The Sociopolitical Context of Community-Based Rehabilitation Developments in South Africa. Intensive Treatment and Problem-Solving to Enhance Rehabilitation Potential in Mexico. A Cross-Cultural Immersion in Post-Communist Romania. Cultural and Environmental Factors in the Delivery of Rehabilitation Services to American Indians. Culture and Its Impact on the Rehabilitation Program: A Palestinian Perspective. Upgrading Physical Therapy Education in Vietnam. Appropriate Prosthetics and Orthotics in Less-Developed Countries. Paper Technology and Community-Based Rehabilitation: Cultural Adaptation in Zimbabwe. Section 4. Cross-Cultural Research. Health Beliefs and Behaviours of Families with Disabled Children in Rural Jamaica. Barriers to Successful Community-Based Rehabilitation in Jamaica. Impact of the Harare parents' Groups for Children with a Disability and Their Parents: Are Caregivers Satisfied with the Service? Cross-Cultural Parent Education and Early Intervention: Cuban and African-American Families in Miami, Florida, USA. Professional Development, Personality and Self-Esteem of Palestinian Physical Therapists. Section 5. The Practice of Cultural Competence in the 21st Century. Towards a Public Health Perspective on Rehabilitation. Moving Rehabilitation Professionals Toward Cultural Competence: Strategies for Change.