Automatic diatom identification

Contents: Introduction to ADIAC and This Book (H Du Buf & M M Bayer) Diatoms: Organism and Image (D G Mann) Diatom Applications (R J Telford et al.) ADIAC Imaging Techniques and Databases (M M Bayer & S Juggins) Human Error and Quality Assurance in Diatom Analysis (M G Kelly et al.) Contour Extraction (S Fischer et al.) Identification Using Classical and New Features in Combination with Decision Tree Ensembles (S Fischer & H Bunke) Identification by Curvature of Convex and Concave Segments (R E Loke & H du Buf) Identification by Contour Profiling and Legendre Polynomials (A Ciobanu & H du Buf) Identification by Gabor Features (L M Santos & H du Buf) Identification by Mathematical Morphology (M H F Wilkinson et al.) Mixed-Method Identifications (M A Westenberg & J B T M Roerdink) Automatic Slide Scanning (J L Pech-Pacheco & G Cristobal) ADIAC Achievements and Future Work (H du Buf & M M Bayer).