Oxford Illustrated Science Encyclopedia
This text is the leading science encyclopedia explaining the achievements and progress of science, now fully revised and updated. Its major updates include: the advent of SARS; extended coverage of cloning; extended coverage of GM food; and extended coverage of digital cameras. Other updates include: Jupiter's moons reach 50; crash of space shuttle Columbia; and the disappearance of element 118. This text provides a wide-ranging coverage encompassing the physical, chemical and biological sciences. It also highlights science at the cutting edge - Human Genome Project, BSE, evolving robots, global warming, laser-guided missiles, and nanotechnology...It contains over 1300 illustrations: carefully selected full-colour photos and specially commisioned drawings and diagrams. Its unrivalled authority is ensured by expert team headed by Richard Dawkins, world-famous author of "The Selfish Gene". The encyclopedia has a dedicated website, which includes hundreds of recommended links, downloadable artworks from the book and a challenging quiz.