Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care

We are delighted to welcome you to the Second International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care (MMHealth), held on October 23, 2017 in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2017 in Mountain View, USA. Multimedia and health is a new and developing field and has become an integral part of the tools and systems that are providing solutions t-o today's societal challenges in personal health and health care. Research in multimedia and health is driven by the current technological advancements in sensors and personalised healthcare. In recent years we can observe many applications of health care and personal health that are addressed by core multimedia research questions, such as monitoring daily life activities, developing lifestyle and behavioral profiles, physiological and cognitive multimedia--based monitoring for health status assessment, among many others. Applications can be as specific as the recognition of food to assess its nutritional content, multimodal visualization and correlation of lifestyle parameters to assess conditions such as dementia, or the development of personalized home assistants, used to help the elderly in their daily life, as society ages and the care ratio dwindles. There is an increasing number of research works that shows how core multimedia research has become an important technological enabler for addressing the societal questions of health. The special characteristic of the workshop is the objective of bringing together a challenging and important application domain and multimedia research. We received 19 papers (long and short) submissions for the main track of the workshop. All papers were reviewed by international experts in the field. The program chairs have accepted 9 full papers which makes an overall acceptance rate for full papers of 47% percent. In addition to this have been including 7 short papers from the authors of papers from the main track to enrich the workshop with an interactive experience in a poster session in the afternoon of the workshop.