Semantic Web Challenges

The aim of the Mighty Storage Challenge (MOCHA) at ESWC 2018 was to test the performance of solutions for SPARQL processing in aspects that are relevant for modern applications. These include ingesting data, answering queries on large datasets and serving as backend for applications driven by Linked Data. The challenge tested the systems against data derived from real applications and with realistic loads. An emphasis was put on dealing with data in form of streams or updates.

[1]  Erik Cambria,et al.  Common Sense Knowledge for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition , 2013, Cognitive Computation.

[2]  Oren Etzioni,et al.  Paraphrase-Driven Learning for Open Question Answering , 2013, ACL.

[3]  Christina Unger,et al.  A Three-Dimensional Paradigm for Conceptually Scoped Language Technology , 2014, Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web.

[4]  Qiang Yang,et al.  Cross-domain sentiment classification via spectral feature alignment , 2010, WWW '10.

[5]  Sébastien Ferré squall2sparql: a Translator from Controlled English to Full SPARQL 1.1 , 2013, CLEF.

[6]  Iryna Gurevych,et al.  Extracting Opinion Targets in a Single and Cross-Domain Setting with Conditional Random Fields , 2010, EMNLP.

[7]  Alan F. Smeaton,et al.  Classifying sentiment in microblogs: is brevity an advantage? , 2010, CIKM.

[8]  Xinying Xu,et al.  Hidden sentiment association in chinese web opinion mining , 2008, WWW.

[9]  Andrew Chou,et al.  Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs , 2013, EMNLP.

[10]  Jason Weston,et al.  Question Answering with Subgraph Embeddings , 2014, EMNLP.

[11]  Chun Chen,et al.  Opinion Word Expansion and Target Extraction through Double Propagation , 2011, CL.

[12]  Hans Hellendoorn,et al.  Defuzzification in Fuzzy Controllers , 1993, J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst..

[13]  Marshall S. Smith,et al.  The general inquirer: A computer approach to content analysis. , 1967 .

[14]  Pierre Maret,et al.  WDAqua-core0: A Question Answering Component for the Research Community , 2017, SemWebEval@ESWC.

[15]  Xuanjing Huang,et al.  Phrase Dependency Parsing for Opinion Mining , 2009, EMNLP.

[16]  Zhendong Niu,et al.  Automatic construction of domain-specific sentiment lexicon based on constrained label propagation , 2014, Knowl. Based Syst..

[17]  Bing Liu,et al.  Opinion observer: analyzing and comparing opinions on the Web , 2005, WWW '05.

[18]  Yuji Matsumoto,et al.  Transfer Learning for Multiple-Domain Sentiment Analysis - Identifying Domain Dependent/Independent Word Polarity , 2011, AAAI.

[19]  Soo-Min Kim,et al.  Crystal: Analyzing Predictive Opinions on the Web , 2007, EMNLP.

[20]  Erik Cambria,et al.  Sentic Album: Content-, Concept-, and Context-Based Online Personal Photo Management System , 2012, Cognitive Computation.

[21]  Vasilis Efthymiou,et al.  Entity resolution in the web of data , 2013, Entity Resolution in the Web of Data.

[22]  Mauro Dragoni,et al.  A Neural Word Embeddings Approach for Multi-Domain Sentiment Analysis , 2017, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

[23]  Janyce Wiebe,et al.  Effects of Adjective Orientation and Gradability on Sentence Subjectivity , 2000, COLING.

[24]  Mauro Dragoni,et al.  Computational advertising in social networks: an opinion mining-based approach , 2018, SAC.

[25]  Jens Lehmann,et al.  AskNow: A Framework for Natural Language Query Formalization in SPARQL , 2016, ESWC.

[26]  Erik Cambria,et al.  SenticNet: A Publicly Available Semantic Resource for Opinion Mining , 2010, AAAI Fall Symposium: Commonsense Knowledge.

[27]  Erik Cambria,et al.  Sentic Computing: A Common-Sense-Based Framework for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis , 2015 .

[28]  Amal Zouaq,et al.  AMAL: Answering French Natural Language Questions Using DBpedia , 2017, SemWebEval@ESWC.

[29]  Serena Villata,et al.  SMACk: An Argumentation Framework for Opinion Mining , 2016, IJCAI.

[30]  Mauro Dragoni,et al.  A Three-Phase Approach for Exploiting Opinion Mining in Computational Advertising , 2017, IEEE Intelligent Systems.

[31]  Roman Kern,et al.  Polarity Classification for Target Phrases in Tweets: A Word2Vec Approach , 2016, ESWC.

[32]  John Blitzer,et al.  Biographies, Bollywood, Boom-boxes and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification , 2007, ACL.

[33]  Aarne Ranta,et al.  Multilingual Natural Language Interaction with Semantic Web Knowledge Bases and Linked Open Data , 2014, Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web.

[34]  Anna Freud,et al.  Grammatical Framework Programming With Multilingual Grammars , 2016 .

[35]  Mauro Dragoni NEUROSENT-PDI at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Leveraging a Multi-Domain Sentiment Model for Inferring Polarity in Micro-blog Text , 2018, SemEval@NAACL-HLT.

[36]  Philipp Cimiano,et al.  Pythia: Compositional Meaning Construction for Ontology-Based Question Answering on the Semantic Web , 2011, NLDB.

[37]  Autocompletion Question Answering on RDF KBs using Controlled Natural Language and Semantic , 2016 .

[38]  Mauro Dragoni NEUROSENT-PDI at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Understanding Irony in Social Networks Through a Multi-Domain Sentiment Model , 2018, SemEval@NAACL-HLT.

[39]  Diego Reforgiato Recupero,et al.  Challenge on Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis Within ESWC2016 , 2016, SemWebEval@ESWC.

[40]  Mike Thelwall,et al.  Semi-supervised vs. Cross-domain Graphs for Sentiment Analysis , 2013, RANLP.

[41]  Anca Marginean,et al.  GFMed: Question Answering over BioMedical Linked Data with Grammatical Framework , 2014, CLEF.

[42]  Laks V. S. Lakshmanan,et al.  Report on the Third International Workshop on Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web (ExploreDB 2016) , 2016, SGMD.

[43]  Diego Reforgiato Recupero,et al.  ESWC 15 Challenge on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis , 2015, SemWebEval@ESWC.

[44]  Ming Zhou,et al.  Question Answering over Freebase with Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Networks , 2015, ACL.

[45]  Gerhard Weikum,et al.  Automated Template Generation for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs , 2017, WWW.

[46]  Mauro Dragoni,et al.  A Novel Similarity-Based Crossover for Artificial Neural Network Evolution , 2010, PPSN.

[47]  Serena Villata,et al.  Combining argumentation and aspect-based opinion mining: The SMACk system , 2018, AI Commun..

[48]  Ioan Alfred Letia,et al.  Romanian2SPARQL: A Grammatical Framework approach for querying Linked Data in Romanian , 2014, 2014 International Conference on Development and Application Systems (DAS).

[49]  Christiane Fellbaum,et al.  Book Reviews: WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database , 1999, CL.

[50]  Junlan Feng,et al.  Robust Sentiment Detection on Twitter from Biased and Noisy Data , 2010, COLING.

[51]  Kostas Stefanidis,et al.  Keyword Search on RDF Graphs: It Is More Than Just Searching for Keywords , 2015, ESWC.

[52]  Rohini K. Srihari,et al.  OpinionMiner: a novel machine learning system for web opinion mining and extraction , 2009, KDD.