Optimization of Fugitive Dust Control System for Meteorological Conditions
Fugitive dust, which is emitted in the ambient air without first passing through a stack or duct designed to control flow, is frequently generated by means of wind erosion from storage yards at Pohang Steel Wokrs. The size distribution of fugitive dust is mostly in the range of coarse particulate which is deposited as soon as emitted and less harm to human health; however of fugitive dust contains PM 10 known as one of most harmful airborne pollutant. Consequently, effective control and reduction of fugitive dust is strongly requested by the local society, but it is not easy so far because the generation and dispersion of fugitive dust highly depends on meteorological conditions, and it being occurred for irregularity. This research presented a fugitive dust control system for each meteorological condition by providing statistical prediction data obtained from a statistical analysis on the probability of generating the threshold velocity at which the fugitive dust begins to occur, and the frequency occurring by season and by time of the wind direction that can generate atmospheric pollution when the dispersed dust spreads to adjacent residential areas. The research also built a fugitive dust detection system which monitors the weather conditions surrounding storage yards and the changes in air quality on a real-time basis and issues a warning message by identifying a situation where the fugitive dust disperses outside the site boundary line so that appropriate measures can be taken on a timely basis. Furthermore, in respect to the spraying of water to prevent the generation of fugitive dust from the storage piles at the storage yard, an advanced statistical meteorological analysis on the weather conditions in Pohang area and a case study of fugitive dust dispersion toward outside of working field during were carried out in order to decide an optimal water-spraying time and the number of spraying that can prevent the origin of fugitive dust emission. The results of this research are expected to create extremely significant effects in improving surrounding environment through actual reduction of the fugitive dust produced from the storage yard of Pohang Steel Works by providing a high-tech warning system capable of constantly monitoring the leakage of fugitive dust and water-spray guidance that can maximize the water-spraying effects.