The molecular origins of life : assembling pieces of the puzzle

List of contributors Introduction Andre Brack Part I. Setting the Stage: 1. The origin of the atmosphere Tobias C. Owen 2. The early atmosphere as a source of biogenic compounds James F. Kasting, and Lisa L. Brown Part II. Organic Molecules on the Primitive Earth: 3. The endogenous synthesis of organic compounds Stanley L. Miller 4. Hydrothermal systems Nils G. Holm, and Eva M. Andersson 5. Cosmic origin of the biosphere Armand H. Delsemme 6. Meteorites John R. Cronin 7. Micrometeorites on the early Earth Michel Maurette Part III. Possible Starts for Primitive Life: 8. Membrane compartments in prebiotic evolution David W. Deamer 9. A step-by-step analysis of the early chemistry of life in an iron-sulfur world Gunter Wachtershauser 10. The thioester world Christian de Duve 11. Origins of the RNA world Alan W. Schwartz 12. Catalysis of RNA synthesis: a possible route from prebiotic chemistry to the RNA world James P. Ferris 13. Catalysis in the RNA world Kenneth D. James, and Andrew W. Ellington 14. Self-replication and autocatalysis Jens Burmeister, and Gunter von Kiedrowski Part IV. Clues from the Bacterial World: 15. Hyperthermophiles and their possible role as ancestors of modern life Karl O. Stetter 16. Tracing the roots of the universal tree of life J. William Schopf Part V. Clues from Other Planets: 17. Titan Francois Raulin 18. Life on Mars Christopher P. McKay Part VI. Conclusion Andre Brack.