Assessing Quantitative Optical Imaging for Realizing In-die Critical Dimension Metrology | NIST
Tailoring a metrology target for l = 193 nm Conclusions With this approach, nanometer scale details are determined by fitting, such as three-dimensional contours of features as small as 15 nm in size using 450 nm wavelength light. or l/30. Initial targets designed were not rigorously optimized. A new set of targets for l = 193 nm microscopy have been designed to minimize patterned area while maintaining desired uncertainties. In order to utilize the through focus data, the systematic error needs to be considered, or a full 3-D model needs to be used. Such checks should enable consistent solutions with reliable parametric uncertainties for patterned targets potentially as small as 1 mm x 2 mm, or 5 mm x 2 mm in total area. Parametric fitting of a finite set of features Maintaining accuracy while optimizing the target