Fundamentals of Carrier Transport, 2nd edn
This book presents an introduction to the theory of electronic transport in the solid state. The author starts with a reminder of the quantum theory of condensed matter and then concentrates on carrier transport itself. A wide range of subtopics is touched upon in different chapters, e.g. transport in bulk samples and in small devices, mesoscopic phenomena, to name a few. The author avoids using heavy mathematical machinery and, therefore, does not give a strict theoretical description. However, the presentation is clear and, as a rule, good examples are given. The author gives a brief review of the basic theoretical methods and models, like the Boltzmann equation, the balance equations, the scattering matrix approach etc. An application of numerical methods is demonstrated as well. The book can be used as a good textbook by undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in applied physics and related areas. A well structured presentation also allows the book to be used as a simple handbook on the theory of transport in the solid state. This second edition of the book is considerably enlarged and revised compared with the first one. However, if a third edition is to be considered, the author must improve it further. For example, the theory of transport in media with a non-parabolic conduction band and the transport properties of low-dimensional structures should be presented in much more detail. A lot of mesoscopic effects are missing from the last chapter, for instance the weak localization correction to the classical conductivity. I believe also that a brief introduction to the methods of the quantum kinetic equation and Green's functions is necessary in any modern book on transport. In its present form, I would not recommend the book for republication. Oleg Yevtushenko