The actively water-cooled In-Vessel Components (IVCs) of the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X consist of the divertor, the first wall protection components, the port liners, each designed for different loading conditions, and the associated pipework, the control coils, the cryo-pump system, the Glow discharge electrodes, and a set of diagnostics. The divertor, designed for high heat fluxes, is a set of 10 target and baffle units arranged along the plasma surface. The design and production of these high heat flux (HHF) components is a challenging task. The divertor target elements, which are based on flat CFC (carbon-carbon fibre composite) tiles bonded via active metal casting onto CuCrZr cooling structures required intensive development and testing to reach a reliable performance; removing, under stationary conditions, 10 MW/m2. Industrially manufactured high quality target elements have been delivered and assessed, and the process of incorporating them into assembly units, so-called modules, has begun. The time scale for the completion of the HHF divertor has been held for the last four years and the final delivery of the HHF divertor is still planned in 2017. In parallel to the realization of the divertor the remaining IVCs have been defined, developed, designed and fabricated and the installation of many of these components has begun. Some of these components can also be expected, for a short period of time, to receive high heat loads approaching those of the divertor. These components will be described, in detail, from conception to realization.
R. C. Wolf,et al.
Current status of the neutral beam heating system of W7-X
A. Lumsdaine,et al.
Wendelstein 7-X high heat-flux divertor scraper element
2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE).
H. Greuner,et al.
Review of the high heat flux testing as an integrated part of W7-X divertor development
H. Greuner,et al.
The Capabilities of Steady State Operation at the Stellarator W7-X with Emphasis on Divertor Design
H. Greuner,et al.
Performance and statistical quality assessment of CFC tile bonding on the pre-series elements of the Wendelstein 7-X divertor
A. Cardella,et al.
The in-vessel components of the experiment Wendelstein 7-X
J. Tretter,et al.
Progress in the design and development of a test divertor (TDU) for the start of W7-X operation
H. Greuner,et al.
High heat flux facility GLADIS:: Operational characteristics and results of W7-X pre-series target tests
J. Boscary,et al.
Configuration space control of in-vessel components for Wendelstein 7-X
2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE).