Consequences of topological changes in cyber-physical networks A system-theoretic perspective

In this chapter we study an example of a change in actuational topology of a Linear Networked Synchronization Process. We motivate the problem as a study of vulnerability of a LNSP to intrusion by an external adversary that has gained actuational capabilities at a single (or a few) network component. Specifically, we model the intruder as seeking to move the state of the synchronization process to an undesirable value or set (which may or may not be known to system operators) via a local actuation. We evaluate the network vulnerability in terms of the whether or not the intruder can achieve its goal, and also the minimum actuation energy (or expected minimum energy, if the goal is unknown) required of the adversary to achieve the goal. We briefly provide graphical conditions for whether or not the intruder can achieve its goal, but primarily focus on characterizing the energy required for intrusion. To this end, we formalize that the required energy is related to the inverse of the controllability Gramian for the process, and statistics defined thereof (e.g., its trace and determinant). We then obtain explicit formulas for the Gramian inverse and its associated statistics, by drawing on the inversion formula for Cauchy matrices. These explicit formulae yield interesting structural and graph-theoretic characterizations of

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