Process modification in the scouring process of textile industry

Abstract The effects of scouring parameters on the scouring efficiency, including the weight ratio of de-sizing agent and fabric (5–80 g/g fabric), temperature of de-sizing agent tank (60–90 °C) and dipping time (2–8 s), were investigated. The results demonstrated that weight loss of sizing agent was significantly observed only in the de-sizing agent tank particularly in the first de-sizing tank and was found to a small extent in water tank. The optimum condition in the scouring machine was found at a de-sizing agent to fabric ratio of 20 g/g fabric, with a temperature of the first de-sizing agent tank of 80 °C, a temperature of the second de-sizing agent tank of 90 °C, and dipping time of fabric of 7 s. According to these conditions, more than 89% of the sizing agent was eliminated and only 3.52 mg/g fabric of sizing agent remained in the scoured fabric which was in an acceptable range for feeding to the down stream process known as dyeing process. Application of our results to actual textile plant has shown that there is a cost reduction due to improved utilization of rinse water, chemicals and energy in the process and consequent decreases in the generation of wastewater. Furthermore, the production capacity was increased from 30 m/min to 34.4 m/min.