Uni- and Multi-Dimensional Clustering Via Bayesian Networks

This chapter discusses model based clustering via Bayesian networks. Both uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional clustering methods are discussed. The main idea for uni-dimensional clustering via Bayesian networks is to use the Bayesian structural clustering algorithm, which is a greedy algorithm that makes use of the EM algorithm. On the other hand, for multi-dimensional clustering we investigate latent tree models which according to our knowledge, are the only model based approach to multi-dimensional clustering. There are generally two approaches for learning latent tree models: Greedy search and feature selection. The former is able to cover a wider range of models, but the latter is more time efficient. However, latent tree models are unable to capture dependency between partitions through attributes. So we propose two approaches to overcome this shortcoming. Our first approach extends the idea of Bayesian structural clustering for uni-dimensional clustering, while the second one is a combination of feature selection methods and the main idea of multi-dimensional classification with Bayesian networks. We test our second approach on both real and synthetic data. The results show the goodness of our approach in finding meaningful and novel partitions.

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