Context and Background A teaching strategy that depends on reciprocal university-community partnerships, service-learning provides an innovative pedagogical approach to realizing higher education's civic responsibilities (Bringle, Games, & Malloy, 1999; Bringle, Hatcher, & Games, 1997). Despite increased attention to its benefits, service-learning is not thoroughly integrated into the curriculum at most colleges and universities (Bringle & Hatcher, 2000; Holland, 1997). Lack of integration is often considered a result of minimal institutional commitment to service-learning (Bringle & Hatcher; Holland, 1997; Morton & Troppe, 1996), including scarce administrative support, faculty participation, and funding (Ward, 1996). Of these elements necessary to institutionalize service-learning, achieving substantial faculty participation has been cited as the most important and greatest challenge (Ward, 1998). Support of faculty is fundamental because implementing service-learning is a curricular decision, and thus within faculty's purview (Bringle & Hatcher, 1995). For service-learning to be institutionalized, faculty recruitment must be followed by efforts to sustain involvement (Bringle & Hatcher, 2000). It is therefore necessary to understand faculty motivation for using service-learning, a research area where critical questions remain (Driscoll, 2000; Giles & Eyler, 1998). The purpose of this research was to describe the factors that motivate and deter faculty use of service-learning--both for faculty who do and do not integrate service-learning into their teaching. For these two faculty groups, we described the factors according to institution type, academic discipline, faculty rank, tenure status, and gender. Factors Motivating Faculty Participation In Service-Learning Little research has been conducted regarding faculty members' motivation to incorporate service-learning into their courses. Hammond (1994) studied the motivations of 130 faculty at 23 institutions who incorporated service-learning into their teaching. She found that the most influential factors were related to student course-based learning, including relevance to course materials, self-direction, and improved student satisfaction with education. On the whole, these course-based considerations were more influential than personal factors, such as personal involvement in service and enjoyment of working with students in co-curricular settings, or student co-curricular factors related to civic involvement or development of moral character. Hammond's findings are consistent with research suggesting that faculty value service-learning to improve student learning outcomes, such as improving analytical skills and problem solving skills. Hesser (1995) found that more faculty members are embracing service-learning because they value active modes of learning and experiential education. Similarly, Bringle et al. (1997) suggested that although service-learning's early adopters ("first-generation faculty") were predominately risk-taking "visionary instructors" willing to experiment on limited resources with service-learning's possibilities, current faculty ("second-generation faculty") are less idealistic and more focused on service-learning's concrete outcomes. Additional influences on the decision to adopt service-learning are institutional and professional considerations. Limited research suggests that faculty involvement in service-learning is more likely to occur if efforts to integrate service-learning into the curriculum are a faculty-led initiative (Morton & Troppe, 1996; Ward, 1996). Faculty adopt and sustain service-learning when they see respected colleagues actively participate (Gelmon, Holland, Shinnamon, & Morris, 1998; UCLA Service-Learning Clearinghouse Project, 1999), and the strength of service-learning programs often depends on the extent of faculty support (Gray, Ondaatje, & Zacaras, 1999). …
Kerrissa Heffernan,et al.
Service-Learning in Higher Education
Chris Hammond,et al.
Integrating Service and Academic Study: Faculty Motivation and Satisfaction in Michigan Higher Education
Barbara A. Holland,et al.
Analyzing Institutional Commitment to Service: A Model of Key Organizational Factors
Amy Driscoll,et al.
Studying Faculty and Service-Learning: Directions for Inquiry and Development.
Linda J. Sax,et al.
The American College Teacher: National Norms for the 2001-2002 HERI Faculty Survey.
Seanna M. Kerrigan,et al.
An Assessment Model for Service-Learning: Comprehensive Case Studies of Impact on Faculty, Students, Community, and Institution
From the margin to the mainstream: Campus Compact's Project on Integrating Service with Academic Study
Kelly Ward,et al.
Addressing Academic Culture: Service Learning, Organizations, and Faculty Work
Jeffrey T. Howard,et al.
Academic Service Learning: A Counternormative Pedagogy
Julie A. Hatcher,et al.
A Service-Learning Curriculum for Faculty
A. Astin,et al.
Where's the Learning in Service-Learning?
Robert G. Bringle,et al.
Institutionalization of Service Learning in Higher Education
R. Bringle,et al.
Colleges and Universities as Citizens.
Garry Hesser,et al.
Faculty Assessment of Student Learning: Outcomes Attributed to Service-Learning and Evidence of Changes in Faculty Attitudes About Experiential Education.
Edward A. Zlotkowski.
Does Service-Learning Have a Future?
E. H. Ondaatje,et al.
Combining service and learning in higher education, Summary report
Kelly A. Ward.
Service-Learning and Student Volunteerism: Reflections on Institutional Commitment.
Janet Eyler,et al.
The Theoretical Roots of Service-Learning in John Dewey: Toward a Theory of Service Learning
Dwight E. Giles,et al.
A Service Learning Research Agenda for the Next Five Years.