2. This Term’s level of 5-4 decisions, 24 of 80 (30%), was slightly higher than the number of 5-4 decisions in OT03: 21 of 79 (27%). The numbers from previous terms are 13 of 80–16% (OT02), 21 of 71–26% (OT01), 26 of 85–30% (OT00), 21 of 77–27% (OT99), 19 of 80–24% (OT98), 16 of 96–17% (OT97), 17 of 91–19% (OT96), 16 of 85–19% (OT95). The number of unanimous opinions continued to drop further, 17 of 80 (21%), down from 25 of 79 (32%) in OT03 and 31 of 80–39% in OT02. The numbers from previous years are 26 of 81–32% (OT01), 25 of 85–29% (OT00).