Deep Stereo Using Adaptive Thin Volume Representation With Uncertainty Awareness

We present Uncertainty-aware Cascaded Stereo Network (UCS-Net) for 3D reconstruction from multiple RGB images. Multi-view stereo (MVS) aims to reconstruct fine-grained scene geometry from multi-view images. Previous learning-based MVS methods estimate per-view depth using plane sweep volumes (PSVs) with a fixed depth hypothesis at each plane; this requires densely sampled planes for high accuracy, which is impractical for high-resolution depth because of limited memory. In contrast, we propose adaptive thin volumes (ATVs); in an ATV, the depth hypothesis of each plane is spatially varying, which adapts to the uncertainties of previous per-pixel depth predictions. Our UCS-Net has three stages: the first stage processes a small PSV to predict low-resolution depth; two ATVs are then used in the following stages to refine the depth with higher resolution and higher accuracy. Our ATV consists of only a small number of planes with low memory and computation costs; yet, it efficiently partitions local depth ranges within learned small uncertainty intervals. We propose to use variance-based uncertainty estimates to adaptively construct ATVs; this differentiable process leads to reasonable and fine-grained spatial partitioning. Our multi-stage framework progressively sub-divides the vast scene space with increasing depth resolution and precision, which enables reconstruction with high completeness and accuracy in a coarse-to-fine fashion. We demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance compared with other learning-based MVS methods on various challenging datasets.

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